The meaning of dignity

I have sometimes wondered about the quality of dignity and what that means. Today I felt that it is really about knowing beyond doubt our own value and worth, regardless of external circumstances or how other people relate to us. Our Western culture tends to drive us towards proving our worth by what we achieve, and that can create an exhaustion as we keep trying to match whatever standards we are trying to live up to.

When we can trust that our value is inherent, simply through being alive, we can relax into ourselves and take action in a more easeful and rested way.


Kinship with all Beings

As I was walking today along a favourite track above the river, I felt very aware of the kinship of other beings – the magnificent old trees, sheep soaked by the rain, grasses blowing in the wind. How easily I can believe that I am alone, when I don’t notice all these other beings who are here with us humans.